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Jenna's Spring Exhibitions

Writer's picture: jennahobbsjennahobbs

This Winter’s rain and snowfall in California have been more abundant than I’ve seen in the almost 11 years that I’ve lived here. With this wetness came both growth and destruction, as the parched lands became saturated and soggy to the breaking point. Landslides and flooding were a daily event from the coasts to the Sierra Nevadas. While destruction was the focus on the news and social media, my focus was on the growth and prolific life that abounded due to nature’s gift from the skies. I found that Dublin California finally earned its namesake after Ireland as I summited Donlan Point on Saint Patrick’s day, strolling along the grassy greens and orange poppies.

The works I have showing this Spring in Marin and in Fremont are a celebration of life and growth. ‘Starburst Anemone’, in O’Hanlon Center for the Arts’ online show, Art & Ecology, depicts a tide pool teaming with ocean creatures such as the featured anemone, and also periwinkles and seaweeds. ‘Artichoke’ and ‘Asparagus’ at Artworks Downtown's juired show Delicious in San Rafael show the intricate details of vegetables that became inspiration for paintings before landing on my dinner plate. And finally, ‘Sweet Pea’ at Fremont Art Association's 55th annual juried show, celebrates the coming of Spring in the form of a flower that announces new life on the California coast. While these pieces share a common conceptual thread, all are painted in different styles. Sweet Pea is in my emerging depiction/geometric abstract blend that I’ve been exploring for the past few years. Asparagus and Artichoke are in a detailed still life style with a minimal background, and Starburst Anemone is a whimsical, semi-impressionist piece.

While I can admit that I did get a bit tired of the rain, especially during my unwillingness to take my newborn out into those conditions, I am incredibly grateful for the insurance we have on water for this Summer thanks to our now brimming reservoirs. I love to see friends Sierra skiing videos to catch a glimpse of the conditions out in the mountains, and I am in awe of the green coastal foothills dappled with happy grazing cows.

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